What’s a Blogglebean?
It’s not something you eat. It’s something you do.
Blogglebeans is a one-to-one animated online experience for grandparents and their grandchildren. Through Blogglebeans, grandparents and grandchildren can play and share gifts, games, activities and messages featuring quirky characters from the animated world of Bloggleton. The child’s experience is fueled by the characters of Bloggleton and the grandparent’s activity, while overseen by a parent’s monitoring account. Blogglebeans is also incredibly safe, created first-hand by moms and a grandpa using thoughtful processes and technology to help keep kids safe online.

This morning I got to experience Blogglebeans myself and it was so much fun! Not only that but it was extremely easy to use, and for this technologically challenged nana, that’s important.

I loved the bright colorful characters and the fun games and activities. My first thought was that this was a great way for grandparents who live far away from their grandchildren to share fun online, and while that’s true there’s no reason that nanas like me who live close to their grandchildren can’t join in the fun too!
For more information about this awesome way to connect with your grandchildren visit them at
Disclaimer: I was not paid to review this product. The thoughts and opinions are strictly my own!