What Cancer Can’t Do

This past week I visited my cousin Martha in Florida. She’s a 3 time breast cancer survivor and one of the finest Christian women I know. There are lots of things cancer can do– but Martha focuses on the things it can’t.

On Thursday we went to the hospital and Martha had a port put in, which will help with getting medications and blood samples. In order to put the port in though, they had to give her some sleepy medicine.

Cancer can make Martha tired….but cancer can’t make her stay home when she doesn’t want to.

We came home and Martha rested for an hour or so, then she insisted we all go out to dinner.

Going to dinner with Martha, Brittany (her daughter) and Aunt Roberta (her mom)

The next day we went to a different hospital and she got over 4 hours of chemotherapy.

Chemo can make you sick and can cause you to lose your hair…but it can’t make you lose your determination.

Martha’s had chemo before and it’s made her very, very sick. She’s tolerating this round of chemo much better and even though her hair has thinned out, it hasn’t all come out this time. But if it does, well, she’s been there–done that and she can rock a wig or no hair with her attitude that says, “There are more important things than hair.”

Places to Go and Things to Do

So we left chemo and went shopping for an hour or so, went home, changed clothes and went to a baby shower. Martha has three daughters and two of them are expecting babies this year. She is an awesome nana and can’t wait to welcome another granddaughter and a grandson.

Martha has a new car and she drove it to the shower.

Martha and her cool convertible!

Martha has always been a soul sister and I hate the fact that she has cancer, but spending time with her last week reminded me that while she may have cancer…cancer doesn’t have her.

It doesn’t have her smile, her positive attitude and it sure can’t touch her faith.

Martha and I at her daughter’s baby shower.

She is one amazing woman and I love her so much!

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  1. Since I wrote this she shaved her head due to more hair loss and she still looks great!

  2. I love that this is focused on what cancer can’t do, normally cancer takes away a person’s determination…your cousin’s smile is gorgeous and she is rocking her short hair style.

  3. What an awesome post! I love that line that cancer doesn’t have her! Great mind set! I have three surviving sisters of breast cancer, one of whom is now fighting bone cancer.

  4. This is like the best post ever! I think you’re very lucky to know Martha, even more lucky to have her for family. And judging from how much it sounds like you love and respect her, she’s pretty lucky too. 🙂

  5. Amen! You go girl! It is amazing what we can accomplish with a positive attitude. She is living proof! Thank you for sharing!

  6. My goodness what a fighter! She has all of you as a great support system, which is vital and you are to be commended, too.

  7. Absolutely loved reading what a strong and wonderful woman your cousin is. I have known quite a few in my own family with cancer and so true about cancer not taking one’s attitude or smile. Seriously, keeping your cousin in my thoughts and prayers though. And thank you for sharing!!

  8. Cancer can sap your energy but I am so happy that she has the zen to enjoy life. Great car Martha good job lady!! Wishing you a great week, Hugs

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