The Small Things We Can Do

And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”  Matthew 10:42

Yesterday I mailed a card to someone I know who is very ill.  I am ashamed to tell you how long I have been thinking about sending her a card.

Yesterday my friend Rachel Paxton wrote about becoming a blood marrow donor.  The day before that I shared Ben Mattlin’s story about what all he has accomplished in the face of adversity. Sending a card to someone who is sick hardly compares to those things…or does it?

It seems to me that the danger in “Less of Me Month” at NanaHood (if you want to call it danger) is that we only think of the BIG things we can do (and there are plenty of those) and overlook the small ones.

We have a huge wood stove outside our home that heats our whole house.  I am not physically strong enough to fill it with huge sticks of wood, but I am strong enough to fill it with smaller sticks.  The house stays just as warm from the smaller pieces (even though I have to load it more often) as it does with the larger ones. If I just looked at the large sticks of wood and said “There’s nothing I can do because I can’t lift those up,” then the fire would go out.

Small sticks of wood can keep a fire burning, just as the small things we do for others can warm hearts and make a difference in their lives.

What “small things” can you think of to today for others?  You never know, it might just make a BIG difference to them!

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