Soccer Games Weekend
Soccer Games Weekend
What could be better than a beautiful sunny day and a grandchild’s soccer game? Two grandchildren’s soccer games, of course! Two of my grandchildren (siblings) played at the same time on fields that were side by side. Poppa and Nana took lawn chairs and wore face masks.

This picture was not during the game but I thought it was a cute picture. Plus his shoes match the ball!

This photo has one of our soccer players, plus his little sister (who decided to lay down on the grass and eat her cracker) and in the right hand corner is a another grandchild who came to watch her cousins play. The furry looking thing beside the baby is a naked baby doll that played annoying music, but the baby loved it. Anything to keep a little one happy!

Baby sister did not enjoy the final game. She was tired and ready to go home for lunch and nap time.

This is our daughter and the youngest grandchild watching over one of my other grandchildren. It was a beautiful fall day and it felt so good to be outside.

We enjoyed our soccer games weekend. Both grandchildren got trophies (every child got one) and we were so happy to spend time with them watching what children do best…play! I watched the sun go down from my front porch and snapped this as the day ended.
This is a Blog Hop. Link up and let me know what you’ve been up to!
I’ll try!
Thanks so much, Sandee!
Blessed day!
She was so “over” all the games by the time that shot was made! Lol!
I loved watching them! Thanks for commenting Lisa!
It was so much fun!
I appreciate your comments always Patrick!
What a super cool time. Thanks for sharing it.
They looks so carefree – day of fun!
How lucky that you had side-by-side games!
It looked like a beautiful day all the way around. I don’t know if my granddaughters will grow up to play sports or not, but I hope I’ll be able to watch some of their games if they do. It’s so special to have grandparents who care!
Fabulous photos, Teresa! I especially love the capture of the little girl laying on the grass!
Aww cute photos heheh!
That sunset looks so peaceful you had a great view
Have a soccertastic sunset safe week ???
Awww, nothing better than the grands and the great grands. I enjoy mine too.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ?
Aren’t they growing up!! And gorgeous sunset to cap it off!