Rudolph and Friends Better Wear Insulated Underwear Christmas Eve
Rudolph and Friends
It’s Christmas Eve and although it’s a bit warmer today in southern Kentucky, it’s still in the single digits. Yesterday the high was -1 (and that was without the windchill). It’s the coldest Christmas Eve in Kentucky since 1989, which was my mother’s last Christmas and the reason I remember how cold it was.
I sent a memo to Santa earlier in the week advising him of the weather forecast. Even though I know he’s accustomed to cold weather I suspect he will have a heater in the sleigh, or at least a foot warmer. When my grandmother was a little girl her father took them to church in a horse drawn Surry. To keep his 3 little girls somewhat warm, he heated bricks and they used them to warm their feet.
But what about the reindeer? Surely reindeer get cold too. Can you imagine the windchill as they fly through the air? So I recommended to Santa that Rudolph and friends should wear long underwear this Christmas Eve. He thanked me and let me know that they were prepared on his end….that I should take care of my gifts and animals.
The History of Long Johns
My mother always called them Long Johns and when I started writing this post I wondered where the name came from. Here’s what I found out about the history of them.
My mother was extremely cold natured and had several pair. She made sure I did, too, but I tend to be hot natured and didn’t love them the way she did. However, when it’s this cold….I do wish I had some!
Rapping vs. Wrapping
I don’t know how to rap and I’m not much better at wrapping, but I try.
And that’s what I have been doing. I didn’t even begin until last night and it kept me busy. I finished today and now I’m sitting by the fire giving thanks that I’m warm. I hope you and yours are warm too.
From our house to yours…..Merry Christmas Friends!