Reflections From the Kitchen Sink On What Would Mom -or Martha – Do
I hung the towel from my hair over the shower rack and noticed the tattered edges as the towel rocked into place. For a moment, I envisioned the probable glare I would have received from my mom if she had seen the condition of what she would surely call a “rag.” Most likely, there would’ve been a comment about using things like that to dry my car not myself. I looked at the towel and ran through a bit more dialogue in my mind then went about my business. My mom and Martha Stewart would do better. Maybe I should, too.
There are so many standards that took hold from my upbringing. Worrying about the condition of my towels isn’t one of those. I’ve got the “company” collection and try to not let the boys use it even though we rarely have overnight guests, but how crazy is that? Saving stuff for folks who never show up. Perhaps I should just decide to use the “good” towels every day. I make a hundred choices a day, so maybe I should contemplate the WWMD? (That’s “What Would Mom—or Martha—Do?” about the towel situation.
As I continued to stare at the towel dangling from the shower rod, I briefly considered a broad-based clean out of the linen cabinet—starting with our collection of car-worthy rags—but as quickly as the thought came into my mind, it left. Are my priorities out of line? I asked myself. Should my cupboards be filled with more perfectly folded towels in much better condition than many of the frayed and haphazardly folded ones that lean like the tower in Pisa? The Double M’s would likely say yes. Me? I’m kind of excited the towels are clean and concealed by a closed cabinet door. Does that make me a bad parent? A bad human? Should I be more particular about things like that?
I doubt I will ever be on the cover of Martha’s magazine, and if I ever did make it there, the headline would surely be for something besides my domestic engineering capabilities. Like an old-time pinball machine in a happy double bonus run, A bouncing of potential tag lines hit my mind: “How to Have a Perfect Bathroom Cabinet: Find Peace and Symmetry with Your Towel Collection” wasn’t one. Martha may have to dig a little deeper with me. My mom’s thoughts, on the other hand, would probably have garnered more of my attention, so I did begin to feel a little guilty for my lack of concern. I should cull the towels, I thought.
I decided to add the chore to the forever long to do list and to take the scrub towels to the animal shelter to guarantee they don’t get back in the mix. Teenagers aren’t very discerning when it comes to sorting things like that. Well, obviously this mom isn’t either.
I guess for now this mom will enjoy that second cup of coffee and check out the sale ads for bathroom towel sets. I may need a few soon. I’ll let you know how that goes.
Until next time…
Bio-Melinda Campbell is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. Melinda has been gaining recognition for her writings labeled “Reflections from my Kitchen Sink” since the tragic death of her husband Michael in 2015. In her stories, she shares observations from her daily life including moments she has as a solo parent, a widow, and a woman who battles significant health issues including fibromyalgia and depression. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here