Playing With Tigers

When we were in Myrtle Beach one of our sons and his girlfriend went to visit an animal sanctuary that actually lets people play with the animals. Justin and Jessi loved it and I don’t think this tiger minded a bit, do you?


Happy  Wordless (almost) Wednesday!

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  1. oh boy, I hate allergies! Hope your son won his baseball game. Blessings to you and keep coming back to the Hood….NanaHood that is!

  2. Darn, missed the linky. I was gone all day at work & my son’s baseball game. I’ll have to catch it next time. We got to take photos with lion & tiger cubs once. I totally had an allergic reaction. Forgot I’m allergic to felines!

  3. This is the day I dream of, I swear it! I want to feed a baby tiger and kiss it right on the nose. So jealous.

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