Nana’s Lap

Does your child or grandchild love to see their name in print?  I know my granddaughter, Abby, does.  She watches me type on the computer and she will pick out the letters in her name. Where ever we go she always looks for her name or the letters that spell it.

First Time Books  ( will take your child or grandchild’s name and incorporate it throughout a whole book. They have potty training books, birthday books, letter books and much, much more.

I can’t think of a better gift to a child than a book and if the book makes them the “star” of the show they are bound to love it!

Be sure and check out First Books and tell them Teresa from NanaHood sent you!


What This Nanas Been Reading

Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand is the story of three women, three secrets and one long, hot summer, or so the cover says. It’s a lot more than that. Maybe I loved the book because I am a beach nut and totally agree with one of the main characters who believes that life is better when there is sand in your shoes. Maybe I am a sucker for girlfriend books, because I love being with mine so much.  It’s an easy book to read and would be a great book to take to the beach if you’ve got a trip planned.

This book was loaned to me by my best book buddy, Patty. Patty has had a rough week. She’s been in the hospital and has pneumonia. So this is a special message just for her. Thank you for all the books you share with me and thank you for being my friend. Dr. Teresa orders you to rest, drink plenty of fluids and read, read, read!

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