Nana’s Chicken Casserole – Try it!
Nana’s Chicken Casserole
I don’t know if your men are like mine but often when I ask them what they want for supper they answer, “Whatever you want to fix.”
“I don’t know what to fix,” I respond. “I’m tired of my own cooking.”
Yesterday when my husband and I were having this same conversation for the zillionth time he said, “You used to make a good chicken casserole. Fix that,” he answered.
“Which one? What did it have in it?”
He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me sheepishly, “Chicken.”
He’s such a big help when it comes to menu planning
We eat so much chicken around here that I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t start clucking and growing feathers but if chicken casserole is what he wanted, that I could do.

I baked my chicken until all the pink was gone and then chopped it into bite size pieces and set aside. Now I had the chicken but what else was I going to put in it?
I boiled a half bag of egg noodles, drained and then started looking around in the pantry and the refrigerator for things I could throw in. I did NOT want to make a trip to the grocery store. I was determined just to use what I had.
I took the juice from the pan the chicken baked in and poured on the noodles. I chopped half an onion into little pieces and added a bit of salt for flavor. Then I added one can of Cream of Mushroom soup, a half stick of butter, a drained can of mushrooms, a half a container of sour cream (someone had used the other half) and a small bag of mild, shredded cheese. I stirred it all up and then decided to add some Miracle Whip. Now it looked creamy so I poured it in the pan and topped with bread crumbs.
I baked it at 350 for about 30 to 40 minutes. On the way to the oven I spilled a little bit.

Some people have those fancy vacuum cleaners that roll around by themselves and vacuum. I have a dog that follows me constantly and eats whatever I drop.
The casserole was a hit. My daughter asked if she could fix a to-go plate to take to work. My husband said he loved it and that he was glad I remembered which chicken casserole he was talking about (which was not true because I made this one up as a went but I didn’t tell him any different.)
If you want to try Nana’s Chicken Casserole here are the ingredients you will need.
3 chicken breasts (baked or boiled, just keep the juice) Chopped into bites.
1 can mushrooms drained.
1 half stick butter.
1 package shredded mild cheddar cheese.
1/2 a large container of sour cream or 1 small carton
1/2 a large bag of egg noodles
1 can of mushroom soup
1/2 cup Miracle whip
1 tsp. salt
1/2 chopped onion
Mix all together and put in 9 x 13 casserole dish. Top with bread crumbs.
Bake at 350 for 30 to 40 minutes.