Nana’s Advice for Will Smith and Chris Rock
Nana’s Advice for Will Smith and Chris Rock
With the exception of the CMAs I don’t watch award shows. I stopped when it stopped being about the award and became about politics or what the women in attendance were wearing (or not wearing). The thrill of Hollywood lost its luster for me years ago.
I have several friends who do watch and when one of them commented on Facebook about an altercation between Will Smith and Chris Rock, I was curious. I do what I always do when I want to know something…I asked Google what happened. It didn’t take long to see what the ruckus was about.
Neither Mr. Rock or Mr. Smith have contacted me to ask for my advice but nanas tend to give advice to everybody, whether they listen to it or not.
Nana’s Advice for Will Smith and Chris Rock
First, I would tell Mr. Rock that it doesn’t matter if you are a comedian or not, there are certain lines you don’t cross. One of those is making fun of someone with a disease or disorder. I would also tell him to wash his mouth out with soap at least 3 times a day until he learns not to swear so much.
Secondly, I would tell Will Smith that just because you are Will Smith it is not okay to slap someone. I would also add that there are things that go on between a married couple that should remain exclusively just between them and only them. I haven’t read his book and I’m not going to but I’ve read reviews and don’t care to know more than what I read there (actually I didn’t even want to know that much). Back to the awards show, what Mr. Rock said was rude and uncalled for but Will, by walking on stage and slapping him you lowered yourself to his already very low standards.
There are tons of #teamRock and #teamSmith opinions out there but I’m afraid I don’t side with one or the other. I’m #teamkindness and #doingwhatisright
Normally I don’t post about things like this but like the country song by Aaron Tippon says, You Have To Stand For Something (Or You’ll Fall for Anything). I want my grandchildren to know that just because a person is a celebrity doesn’t mean they are worthy of our admiration.
Too often fame and fortune make people forget that what really matters is character. Fortunately, not all celebrities are like this. Dolly Parton is a wonderful example of humbleness and great character. Maybe they could do a television show and have Dolly sit down with Mr. Rock and Mr. Smith and give them a few pointers on being kind and considerate of others.
Now that would be a show that I would definitely watch!
P.S. After I wrote this I saw that Mr. Smith apologized for his behavior. Apologies are good. Now let’s hope Mr. Rock learns how to apologize, too. Personally, I still won’t be watching the Oscars (unless Dolly hosts it!)