Monster Cookie and Ready, Set, Go!

Hope your week is off to a great start! Here’s my oldest granddaughter (aka Cookie Monster) eating a monster cookie! Sweets for my sweetie!

And here’s Baby K looking like she’s ready to run a lap around the neighborhood, which would be really amazing since she can’t walk yet!


Link up! I can’t wait to see your photos this week!

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  1. Love the pics, and oh my your grand daughter at top looks sooo close to some of the pics i have shared of my daughter!

  2. You oldest grand daughter is a girl after my own heart with that delicious cookie! I am sure she enjoyed it. and your youngest grand daughter is growing up so fast! She will be running laps before you know it. Thanks for the linky. Have a great week.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Tots and Me.
    Just wanted to say that is one huge cookie.
    And I love the look on the baby’s face. Go, baby, go!

  4. Hi
    Thanks for hosting. I saw you on Wordless Wed. I’m a new follower. Hope you will visit my log and hopefully want o follow me too.
    Angel @

  5. That is one delicious looking monster cookie! Your little granddaughter is so cute. A budding athlete! She is eager to walk and will be on the go once she gets going! Thanks for hosting.

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