
Marietta Book Signing With Friends

Marietta Book Signing

I love going to book signings and meeting new people. This weekend my husband and I traveled to Atlanta where I signed copies of The Faith-Filled Grandmother at a gift shop called The Magnolia Room. It was so much fun and such a cute shop.

Supper Club

But before I get to that I wanted to show you my friend’s house. She had her table set for her supper club. It was so beautiful I had to make pictures.

Marietta Book Signing
What a gorgeous table!
Isn’t this lovely? The blossoms are floating in water with little candles.

Marietta Book Signing
Love this greenery!
Marietta Book Signing
Loved these little figurines!
Marietta Book Signing
This is The Magnolia Room and there were so many gift items!
Marietta Book Signing
You can never have too many books!
This sweet lady was waiting for me when I got to the the gift shop.
I loved the store, the owner, Carol and meeting people who purchased my book!

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  1. Oh how I wish you could have come this past weekend so we could have met! Wouldn’t that have been fun? It’s a cute shop. Tell Carol, the owner, I sent you! She’s a sweetie!

  2. Wow, I didn’t know you wrote a book, congrats and I bet you’re a delight to meet at a book signing. And your friend’s table is stunning.

  3. Nice post I loved all the lovely photos that table setting looked amazing

    Good that it all went well and good luck with your book 🙂

    Have a readtastic week 😉

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