Mammograms and Choices
I spoke with a friend last night who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She wanted to know what sort of treatment my cousin chose the first time she was diagnosed. I told her, but I also reminded her that every person is different and that her decision should be based on what she and her family decide is the best plan after they have spoken at length with her doctors.
That’s the thing about cancer. It’s not like taking a multiple choice test where there is definitely a right answer. The patient has to learn how to be their own best advocate and researcher. Why do I say that? Because there are choices that have to be made and no one has as much to gain or lose as the patient themselves.
Growing up I thought that doctors always had the all the answers. Finding out that they didn’t was worse than learning the truth about Santa.
The good news about my friend is her breast cancer was caught very early and her prognosis is excellent, but I still wish she didn’t have to go through it.
What about you?
Have you had your mammogram?
If you have, good for you! Now call your friends and find out if they have had their mammogram and if they haven’t….make them an appointment!
You are so right. Blessings to you and your mom!
Tell your mom not to wait…she’s a VIM (Very Important Mom)!
Now a follower! Come back soon!
glad to hear your friends was caught eary. I just turned 40 and had my 1st mammogram that same month. It was no biggy at all and I am glad to know all is well in there :):):)
glad to have found you and I’m now a GFC fan
Hope u will chk us out too at
Great post! So sorry to hear of your friends recent diagnosis. I will be praying for her…
I have not had a mammogram yet, but plan to in the very near future. Every year during October I remind…or rather harass…my mother about getting one. She is stubborn though. Breast cancer runs rampant in our family on both sides. It’s not something for me to take lightly. The only reason I haven’t had a mammogram yet is because I’m not 40 yet…but it’s rapidly approaching.
Many blessings,
Stopping by from Hobo Mama’s linky…
I’m sorry your friend was diagnosed with cancer. My mother is a breast cancer survivor, so I’m supposed to get my first mammogram in 2 years. My mother just had the test to see if she carried the breast cancer gene. I didn’t want to find out the answer, because I’m not sure I would have changed anything if she had it. But she didn’t. It’s so interesting what technology can tell us these days… but even with the advances in technology, you’re right… no one, not even doctors, have all the answers.
Great reminder.