Making Old Jewelry New Again
Today is Wordy Wednesday instead of Wordless (read on to see why). Before I share today’s photo with you I want to remind you about my Facebook Party. Simply give NanaHood and the Nana Blogs Facebook page a shout out by asking your Facebook friends to LIKE it (and make sure you LIKE it too while you are there) and you might win a copy of my new book! The winner gets tagged to host the NEXT Facebook Party. It’s so fun! I’ve already gotten over two hundred new LIKES. Read more about it on my Facebook page… on to this week’s photo!

Judy says, “As a child I always admired all Mother’s jewelry. I have such fond memories of watching my Mom accessorize herself before Church every Sunday morning. Remember, this was in the late 50’s and 60’s when every female dressed in her finest for Church. Everything from beautiful heels, bags, scarves, pins, earrings and of course hats and gloves!
After my Mom passed, I took all her jewelry home with me with the idea of some day finding a way to display and enjoy these costume pieces. Recently I was in a small shop and saw a small embellished frame and immediately thought of my Mom’s pins and earrings. The fun part has been spreading all the jewelry out on my kitchen table for the last few days…remembering each piece and how Mom would wear it and with a certain dress or suit. ( Isn’t it amazing how we can remember such trivial things, yet at times I momentarily cannot remember a name of someone I see weekly!) I also have quite a few pieces of my Mom’s sister’s jewelry and have incorporated it on the frame as well. They both would be so amazed and love that I’ve made this. Each would love seeing it and discussing every old piece of their costume jewelry.
Now mind you I have saved a few special pieces which I could not tear the back pins and clasps off. This became the challenge; to not destroy the piece of jewelry using my needle nose pliers! After prepping all the pieces I spent 3 days going by the table, placing and rearranging the pins and earrings on the frame, afraid I would like the next design better than the last. I finally had to make peace with my design and began the gluing process with my Tacky adhesive glue.
I still have enough pieces for another frame which I will do so both my granddaughters will have something to remember from another generation. Now I’m looking through old pictures to see if I can find photos of my Mom wearing the jewelry. My oldest granddaughter, almost 5 year old Stella, constantly ask me for stories of my growing up years as well as her Dad’s growing up stories. Now we can look at this frame and I’ll tell Stella stories I remember of my Mom and Aunt Irene wearing these pieces. I’m thinking of tucking a pair of Mom’s very sheer pink gloves under one corner of the frame also. Just for fun!
This summer we will be moving close to Stella and her younger sister Eva. I have in mind to decorate one area of their bedrooms with a couple of my Mom’s hats, gloves and scarves. I’ll also be hunting a place to display a wonderful pair of her beautiful lizard 4 inch heels and a wonderful little silk lined matching bag! Can’t wait!
Memories and Granddaughters is what love is all about…at least in this Mimi’s house!!”
Judy Jolly
Isn’t that just the coolest way to give old jewelry a new life? I’m not the least bit crafty but seeing her creation made me think about some of my mom’s old jewelry. I can’t wait to dig it out and see if I can make one similar to Judys.
How about you?
That is so beautiful! I’ll have to look for some old jewelry.
Such a beautifully written story. While I already knew part of this story it was so fun to know every detail! I know Stella and Eva’s room will be very special and full of memories!!
Wordy Wednesday LOL, I love it. Thanks for linking up at Searching 4 Simplicity!
wow!! that is beautiful.
Beautiful! I love the frame!