Love Potion for Sale
Before I write about love potions let me congratulate the winners of my Mozart for a Mother’s Soul book and the Hallmark cards that I recently gave away during blog party. You will be happy to know I mailed your prizes yesterday! For those of you who missed the blog party you get a second chance! I’m giving away a copy of my book in honor of Mother’s Day. All you have to do is leave a comment on NanaHood mentioning the book (and if you have time share a memory about your mom or grandmother). Good luck!
I heard a wonderful interview this morning with a man who runs a pharmacy in Estonia (a country far, far away). This pharmacy has been in operation since 1412….can you believe that? It seems that Estonia is hosting a meeting of some of NATO’s most powerful people . Hilliary Clinton is there representing the United States. A gentleman from NPR visited the pharmacy to see if what he had heard was true, that the store sold a powerful love potion.
The store owner assured him it was true. The potion guaranteed that the person of your dreams would fall in love with you and remain that way forever. He also said that if you changed your mind and wanted them to fall out of love with you, he had an anti-love potion. If you drank (or ate, I think it’s a candy) the anti-love potion the person would move on to someone else and leave you alone (wonder if it had huge amounts of garlic in it?)
The NPR guy asked the store owner if any of the world’s NATO leaders had been in his store to purchase some anti-love potion.
The store owner answered with a laugh and thick accent, “” “No, but love has more power as rockets in the world and it is the main power of the world and for humanity, and this power really can protect us,” he says. “Love. Not rockets.”
I wanted to pull my car over on the side of the road and give the pharmacy owner a round of applause. If only everyone had enough love in their hearts for humanity we wouldn’t need rockets (bombs) to solve our problems!
Maybe we should all chip in and buy bottles of Estonia love potion to send one to every country in the world. If the stuff really works, it would be the best investment of all time!

I was blessed to have 2 grandmothers that were both sweet gentle spirits and had faith that could move mountains. My heart aches for many of the children of today who have to spread their time out over 3, 4 and sometimes more grandmothers, not allowing them the quality and quantity of time my generation was blessed to have with our grandmothers. Happy Mother’s Day to all!