Ice, Ice, Baby

Ice, ice, babyThis is not a stained glass church window. It’s my kitchen window covered with ice.

My deck

This is the view from my back door…..Is this really March? Is spring really almost here? Sure doesn’t feel that way today! How about where you are?

Kennedy in snow

Snow is good for one thing…..children love it!

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  1. We don’t get winters like that, here in Seattle. We had 1 snow day this year. Just the one day, then the snow was gone. Some years we go without and some we actually do get snow for longer than a day. And, yes, kids love it! I still love it and always want to go walk around in it. BUT, I’d like it to be gone when its time to go to work.

  2. Wow, I think of the Netherlands as being very cold in winter. That’s amazing!

  3. We have drought in summer months. In the states California has been experiencing bad drought. Weird weather. Best to you Ai!

  4. Wow, I can’t imagine no winter. Not sure I would like not having it at all but two weeks would be enough (lol)

  5. I should’t complain because I know you have it worse! Thanks for commenting and enjoyed my visit to your blog. Will be back to visit again soon!

  6. Kentucky weather is weird but from what I can tell, Texas weather is weieder (is that a word?) Thanks for commenting! Teresa

  7. It is fun for kids…nanas not so much. I do enjoy watching them have fun though!

  8. Hi Teresa, We are definitely feeling that this is the longest winter ever here in Massachusetts. I can’t wait for Spring! I’m pretty sure we are going to have to have our Easter Egg Hunt inside this year.

  9. It’s a lot prettier than ours. We have weedy brown grass peaking through our “snow.” However, this ridiculous dusting has given us two days off of school, and maybe another one tomorrow due to a snow covered area called “Fraser.” That’s what happens when you are part of the twelfth largest system in the country. You can have a slight dusting but have school close because of something in another part of town.

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