How Much Plastic Surgery Is Too Much?
Plastic Surgery
First. let me begin by saying I am NOT against plastic surgery. If someone wants to do something to make themselves feel better about the way they look, that’s okay with me. What I don’t think is a good idea is having multiple surgeries in order to look like someone else.
For example, there’s a young woman from Texas who had 9 (that’s right, 9) surgical procedures so she could look like Ivanka Trump.
These surgeries were performed by Dr. Franklin Rose who has had other high profile clients you can read about here.
Who would have ever thought that it would be possible to take a photograph of a celebrity to a plastic surgeon and ask him/her to make you look like them? But it is possible if you have enough time and money (over $20,000 for this gal to look like Ivanka) to look like anyone.
I’ve always thought Christy Brinkley was beautiful but would I endure plastic surgery 9 times and pay thousands of dollars to look like her? I wouldn’t even consider it.
So when is plastic surgery necessary and when is it not? What is too much plastic surgery? That’s something every individual has to decide for themselves. If someone is disfigured in an accident or has a medical reason for plastic surgery, then that’s easy to understand. On the other hand, multiple surgeries to radically change your appearance, that’s very hard to comprehend.
Now if I could request plastic surgery to copy the brain of another woman, I might be interested. I would like a combination of my grandmother, Mother Teresa and Eleanor Roosevelt. I know that’s not possible, but their unique and wonderful brains led to beautiful hearts and I had much rather have a beautiful heart than a beautiful face.
A beautiful face will eventually wrinkle (unless you stretch it to oblivion with plastic surgery) but a beautiful heart… will leave lasting legacy that no one can copy.
Not even a talented plastic surgeon.

Thanks, Lisa. I thought it fit well and certainly matches how I feel.
Love the quote you added!
Me too, Shelley! Me too!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all craved to copy those qualities that inspire us to be our best and make an impact on the world rather than focusing solely on physical appearance? That’s a day I’d celebrate.