Happy 50th Birthday to my brother!
I found the perfect birthday card for my brother. On the front of the card is a little boy and a little girl. They are standing on a fence and the little boy is pointing to something in front of them that you can’t see and saying, “You see that big bull, sister. He wants to play with you.” The little girl is smiling because she believes him. Then you open the card and it says, “Happy Birthday. I’m so glad I survived having you as a brother.”
Robert, my brother, has always loved aggravating people. I guess some people would consider it a nuisance talent. When it comes to Robert I just accept it as part of the package.
My sister-in-law, Kelly, had everyone down for lunch after church today. Not only was it Robert’s birthday, but their oldest son Thomas just had his 19th birthday. There was food, fun and lots of laughter.

It was great being with family and friends and Abby enjoyed it too.

It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. My tummy is full, the house is still, a football game is on, I’m feeling very, very…..zzzzzzz.