80th Birthday Party at T J Samson—Not mine!
Yesterday the hospital where I was born turned 80 and they threw a party to celebrate. Most of my family was able to attend (including my granddaughter who probably enjoyed it the most). I’m posting some pics here of the festivities.

Both these beautiful ladies work at the hospital. I have to tell you I’m jealous of both of them. It rained at the birthday party and both of them managed to look gorgeous. Yours truly looked like a wet dog and refused to have her picture made!

The sun would shine for awhile and steam everyone and then it would rain. There were things for the kids to jump on and of course they were all wet. Abby kept begging to go down a slide in one of them until we finally gave in. When she landed at the bottom of the big slide she was wet, mad, and crying. “Nana, I surely didn’t like that!” she proclaimed. Fifteen minutes later she wanted to do it again. Go figure.

Abby used every color they gave her so by the time she finished it looked like someone had thrown up on her tile, but hey, I think that’s what Picasso’s painting look like too, so what do I know?

Someone brought their pet to the party and Abby had to stop and talk to her (She’s wearing pink so I assume it’s a her). I can’t imagine bringing any of my dogs to something where there are so many people or so much food. They would either be on the tables eating the hot dogs or barking their heads off. They are all Obedience School drop outs.

Did you get something to “watch” over the weekend? Just a “few” of the many pictures made that day. Fix some popcorn…grab a Pepsi, and settle in for a few minutes of “big band music” and some cute little faces.
I was at this “party” too…made 400 pictures of random kids, adults (were there any of those there?). TJ has been such a huge part of my “adult” life (42 years). Loved the pix you got of the bored little boy.