Granddaughter Dance Party

I don’t know that I have ever used a video for my weekly blog hop but today there is a very good reason why I am breaking my weekly routine of sharing photos. Watch it and then see if you can tell why I just had to share this dance party video with you!

These two are first cousins. My daughter snapped a picture of them telling secrets that I wanted to share with you to. Are they not the sweetest things ever!



Okay, NanaHood friends. Please link up and leave a comment telling me why you think I couldn’t resist sharing this with you!

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  1. they are adorable!! that is the cutest thing. hopefully they will always have such a close and lovely bond.

  2. They are so sweet! Those are captured memories that they will love when they are older!

  3. Kids have a way to have the most fun!!! I especially love the black and white secret photo!!! Thanks for inking on The Oh My Heartsie Girls WW this week!!!!
    Have a great day! Karren

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