Grandchildren and Germs
Grandchildren and Germs
One of the many things I had forgotten about being around kids (until I had grandchildren) was how frequently they get sick. And it’s no wonder they get sick. No matter how many times you tell a child, “Don’t put your fingers in your mouth,” they do. I know. I’ve seen them do it time and time again.

I once watched a little boy lick the outside of an ice cream freezer in a Quick Shop store. His mother and father weren’t looking and I couldn’t help myself, I asked him to please stop. He did. He smiled at me and then he went back to licking it.
My daughter once caught my grandson licking the bottom of his shoe. Why? If you ask them they invariably answer, “Just cause.”
One Thanksgiving when my granddaughter was about 3, she went with her mom and dad to her other grandparents. Her Mimi had prepared a lovely meal and they were about to bless the food. Uncle Jake (who doesn’t have children) was holding her and somewhere between the beginning of the prayer and Amen she let loose and spewed like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Talk about bad timing.
Sharing is Caring
After they suck up all the germs they can hold they come home, or go over to Nana’s and Poppa’s house and share them. They’ve been taught to share by their teachers and their parents, right? So that’s what they do.
Where do they get all the big, juicy, fat germs anyway? It’s not like they lick shoes or anything….lol. Turns out there are lots of places I didn’t even think about. Have you ever seen parents loan their kids their I-pads or cell phones to keep them occupied? Yep, they are full of germs. For more places that kids find germs stashed click here.
I ran across this video about grandchildren and germs and thought it was funny and accurate. Let me know if you think so.
FYI-Just because they have germs doesn’t stop us from loving them or wanting them to come over! I can’t wait until I can see them (and their germs) again!