Family Fun Friday Vacation Ideas
Everyone needs to get away from time to time. It has been a while since our family had what we refer to as a “mini vacation.” Every so often we do like to get away and do something fun with our kids, and it looks like it is time for another trip.
For spring break in 2011, the five of us joined up with our favorite vacation partners, my husband’s brother and his wife and three kids! We have a blast together because everyone has someone to play with! The last trip we took wasn’t far from home but we sure made a lot of memories. The city we traveled to was Louisville, Kentucky.
Even though we traveled a short distance the kids had a hotel with a pool – what kid doesn’t love that! And what is more fun at night than pizza, a luggage truck, and your cousins!
For our outings we all went to a local movie theater and watched HOP! (Such a cute movie and experience for us all.) The big part of our vacation was a trip to the Kentucky Science Center. I had not been since I was a child in school, but it was still as much fun (and probably more so) than I remember.
Not only did they have all the fun hands-on science experiments for everyone to take part in, like surrounding yourself with a giant bubble, sitting in part of a space shuttle landing pod, or bicycling with a skeleton to see how bones move, but there was something extra fun that week!
As part of their temporary exhibits the greater geeks in all of us got to experience the Star Trek Exhibit! So much fun seeing costumes and props from the movies, but the most fun was the photo session. I could fill this page with all the fun pictures we got to take in the captains chair but we all thought some of the coolest were taken on the transport deck. “Beam us up Scotty!”
I don’t know where we will go this year but I can be sure we will have a blast and make many family memories!
Have a blessed weekend!
You can learn more about the Kentucky Science Center at HYPERLINK
Great LuAnn! Thanks for commenting!
Sounds like fun! Maybe when the tax return gets here, we can get beamed up too, cause we’re all Star Trek fanatics down here in south central Kentucky! :O)