Four Fantastic Atlanta Destinations to Visit With Your Grandchildren
Four Fantastic Atlanta Destinations to Visit With Your Grandchildren
If you had just 4 days to spend in Atlanta with your grandchildren or children what would you do? We recently took our granddaughter and even though I lived there many years ago, I wasn’t sure what she would enjoy doing.
I still have friends who live in the area and they were able to offer some suggestions. I also talked with some of the nice folks who worked at the hotel where we stayed (Downtown Hyatt) and then I looked online. I came up with a plan that I thought would entertain my granddaughter but what I didn’t realize was how much fun I would have!
Day One – The Georgia Aquarium
We went on a Monday and it was packed. A lot of schools were out for spring break and their parents must have had the same idea we did.
My tip to make the trip more enjoyable is get there early, at least 30 minutes to an hour before it opens. It was crowded, loud and noisy but we still had a great time. My granddaughter is 12 years old and will soon be 13 so I worried it might not be “cool” enough for her. I was definitely wrong. Kids of all ages were there and everyone I saw was having a great time. I’m way past 13 and I thought it was “cool.”
I’ve been to other aquariums and none of them compare. The Sea Lion show was fantastic and the Dolphin performance phenomenal. Even if all you did was sit in the room filled with huge glass walls and watch the fish you would still find yourself mesmerized.
This is my granddaughter at the aquarium. Here’s another tip for you. Buy your tickets online in advance. Our two tickets were 87 dollars. If you buy in advance they are much cheaper and you don’t have to wait in long lines!
Also, lunch and drinks are expensive. If you can plan to eat somewhere else, do so. The food was adequate but not the best. I had a salad (more about that later).
The Coca Cola Museum
Tip-Get there early to avoid the crowds. Tickets are about 17 per person which is much cheaper than the Aquarium.
I don’t think our granddaughter knew what to expect when we went into the museum. She knew it was about Coke, of course, but she didn’t know the importance of the secret recipe, who invented it and how the recipe is kept locked safely away in a huge fault.
Every room was filled with information and trivia. I loved reading all the signs and could have spent much longer than the two hours they tell you it takes to go through the museum….if I had felt better. Remember the salad I mentioned earlier. It was either that or the fish and chips I had for supper that did me in, but I got sick at the museum and spent a lot of time visiting their facilities (which were very nice and clean, I might add).
The Coke Museum was a lot of fun and worth the price. We were allowed to make pictures and there was a lot of interactive things for children to do.
Up, Up and Away
We live in a very small town and Atlanta is BIG. One of the the things my granddaughter enjoyed most was our hotel, The Hyatt. She loves elevators and escalators, which are rare in southern rural towns.
So I decided to take her to see a REAL elevator. We walked down the street to the Peachtree Plaza Westin and took the glass elevator up to the observation tower. It’s supposed to cost 8 dollars but we were there super early and there weren’t many people around so the guy let us go up free. We had the whole observation deck to our selves and the sky was clear. We had a gorgeous view of Atlanta.
After we got over the “Oh My Goodness!” feeling of the elevator we walked around the observation tower and looked at every side of Atlanta. It was gorgeous and a priceless moment with my granddaughter as we discussed the different buildings, the architecture, which ones we liked the best, etc.
From 72 stories up cars and people look pretty tiny.
The observation tower is only one floor above the restaurant. It was so early no one was around and I dreamed about eating there that night. It didn’t work out but maybe next time! The restaurant sure was beautiful. I can only imagine the view from up there at night.
Did I mention this activity was free? And that we got to see all of Atlanta from 72 stories up. The granddaughter was impressed so I was happy.
Stone Mountain
When we lived in Atlanta during the late 70’s I always intended to go visit, but never did. I don’t know what it was like back then but now it’s a very fun place to take kids. We rode a train around the mountain and learned some of the history.
We walked around the base of the mountain and looked at the carving. I can’t carve a turkey so it doesn’t take much to impress me. I can’t imagine that carving this was very easy. To read about the size and the difficulty of the carving click here.
There were lots of stores and places to eat. They also have campgrounds, hiking trails and a hotel on the mountain. It was a great place for kids of all ages because there were so many choices of things to do.
We got to see a pretty cool dog show while we were there. We are dog lovers so that was fun.
If I had known in advance I would have purchased a City Pass. So my biggest money saving tip is to do what I did not do….buy one. Click here to read more about it.
We had so much fun and I would love to do it again sometime.
What was my favorite part of the trip?
Spending time with this girl!
Take your kids or grandchildren to these Four Fantastic Atlanta Destinations! They will love it and so will you!
#HyattRegency #PeachtreeWestin #GeorgiaAquarium #CocaColaMuseum #StoneMountain
This is a Blog Hop and I would love for you to link up and leave a comment. Have you ever been to Atlanta?
Thanks for stopping by Klara. I hope you will go one day!
Great fun and wonderful pictures.
The mountain with the carving is stunning.
I hope you do one day Indah!
A lot to enjoy in Georgia, Nana! I would love to come to this city..
Hi Marie, He enjoyed having her with us too!
Hi NaNa… NaNee here!!! ~hehehe~ it’s so nice that your hubby doesn’t mind that the grandkids go with! Looks like everyone had a nice time! You have have such places to take pictures of great memories! Thanks for sharing! Have a great day! hugs
That’s a great idea and I love New York! Have fun!
Looks like a wonderful time. Maybe one of these days we might make it down that way. Currently my hubby is talking about making it to NYC next year, which is where I grew up. The plan is to get a city pass
You are very welcome! Be sure and tell them when they go to Stone Mountain to plan on staying late for the laser light show. We had to leave and missed it. It’s supposed to be really cool!
It’s a fantastic aquarium, I agree!
It’s a great city! Thanks for stopping by Victoria!
I don’t drink soda at all. Gave it up two years ago but it was still interesting!
Sure thing! There’s always room for one more!
It was! Happy Birthday to your son Claire and thanks for stopping by!
We didn’t get to stay for that. I wanted to but we had to leave. Next time though!
Atlanta is a fun place to visit! I remember Stone Mountain as a kid, the laser/fireworks show is amazing. The Georgia Aquarium is really nice. We saw it right after it opened a few years ago, I was impressed.
Lovely photos. Looks like a great day out
Awesome pics girlfriend! The hotel looks awesome… would you adopt me so I can go with next time…. ~snicker-snicker~!!! Thanks for sharing your lovely family too! It’s good to have fun with family and make memories!!!
Here from the Grand Social and si, Babushka’s gone to Atlanta several times, but it’s been years. My son and his family will be going soon for a cheerleading competition and were wondering where to take the kids while up there; gracias for the recommendations. BB2U
I used to live right by Stone Mountain. I liked the Coke museum, and I don’t even drink soda very often.
I do have to say visit Savannah if you haven’t. I lived there for 2 years. It’s so wonderful in Savannah.
It looks like you had fun for sure.
I love to visit Atlanta. I haven’t been for a few years but I had a nursing conference in Atlanta I use to go to.
Thanks for the tips. The ATL is a place that I would love to go some day. Beautiful photos. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Beautiful photos as always, Teresa.
Happy Monday!
Lovely photos that hotel looks amazing nice pic of you both too
Thanks for the tour have a triptastic week
Stone mountain looks really cool. I’d never heard of it.
Lovely blog.