Be Strong. Pass It On.

Let's BEE Friends

Have you thought about how many natural disasters there have been already this year?  Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods and more. Each disaster is big news until the next one comes along and then the disaster recedes into the background until only the people who were directly effected remember it on a daily basis. They remember because they are still living the nightmare.

Many of those who are still living the nightmare are Japan’s children.

In response to the March 11th earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, HoriPro Entertainment Group songwriters Matt Palmer and Pascal Guyon teamed up to write an inspirational song dedicated to the mothers and children affected by this tragedy.  A few weeks later, a choir of children from the Los Angeles HORIPRO Music Academy, ages 3-13, joined the effort to add their voices to the song, and make a music video to accompany their message of hope.

It is HoriPro’s intent to create awareness of the continued need for relief aid to the mothers and children of Japan.  As such, HoriPro Entertainment Group is hosting a donation site,, offering a song/video package of “Be Strong.” available for download for a minimum donation of $5.00.

The campaign is designed to give contributors control over where their money is sent by allowing 3 options for charities focused on aiding mothers and children—UNICEF, Save the Children, or JOICFP.  100% of net proceeds will be delivered to the organization of their choice.

HoriPro is delivering the following official statement:

“Help spread the message of hope and support.  Be Strong.  Pass it on.”



The song is beautiful. The words are inspiring. If you have $5 to spare won’t you please help these children?


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One Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this video. You are right. Time goes on and we move on and forget those who really truly need us.

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