Are You An Online Shopper or Do You Enjoy The Mall?

Disclaimer: I’m an Amazon affiliate and receive compensation from purchases I share.

I had much rather shop online than fight traffic and holiday shoppers in search of a deal. Why fight the crowds when there are just as many bargains online?

Sharing a few of my favorite Deal of the Day links from Amazon in case any Nanas want to shop for grandchildren today! (or for yourself!)

I just love Carter’s and these little onesies are so cute!

For Harry Potter fans!

What little boy wouldn’t love a purple dinosaur that moves?


Teenagers and watches go together like peanut butter and jelly!

And here’s something for Nanas!

And if you want some more cool ideas…. visit the NanaHood Store! Hurry because some of these items are Deals of the Day and are only featured for 24 hours!

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