Are You An Angry Bird?
There’s a popular game called “Angry Birds” that a lot of folks play on their cell phones. I’ve never played it, so I can’t say for sure what the birds are angry about but I do know this, anger is NOT a good thing.
Angry words spoken in the heat of the moment can do extensive damage to relationships. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons why James (Bible) warns, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires” (James 1:19- 21)
Have you ever known someone who has let their anger consume them? I have known people that are still mad about something that happened over 20 years ago! Ask them about whatever it was that made them mad and their blood pressure will shoot through the roof.
Did you know that being angry effects your health?
According to an article on WebMD, “… an analysis of findings from 44 studies published last year in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, evidence supports the link between emotions and heart disease. To be specific, anger and hostility are significantly associated with more heart problems in initially healthy people, as well as a worse outcome for patients already diagnosed with heart disease.”
So what makes you angry?
Hmmmm? Well, I didn’t like it that my washing machine broke again after I just got it repaired last week but I didn’t get angry.
I hate getting automated phone responses when I want to talk to a REAL person, but I get over that.
When I think about it there are several things that make me mad for a moment, but it’s not about the anger. It’s about how I respond to it. Different tactics work for different people.
Here are some suggestions for controlling your anger.
1. Put some distance between you and the source of your anger.
2. Take deep calming breaths until you feel yourself relax.
3. Look in a mirror when you are really mad. I used to make my children do this and it worked! They got tickled at how silly they looked when they were mad.
4. Listen to a happy song or calming music.
5. Go for a long walk.
Anger isn’t good for you or for those around you. It effects more than just your health. It can eat up your soul. So don’t be an Angry Bird!
What got me started thinking about anger? An article someone sent me about problems between a grandparent and a grandchild, click here. I can’t imagine getting mad at my grandchildren though, can you?
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I usually take the “long walk” approach. This helps dissipate my anger as the energy starts flowing and I enjoy the physical exercise. It also helps clear my thoughts, as I get the time to take different perspectives — but, most importantly, as I fill my eyes and my mind with the various image of life going on around me, and I remember that there are so many things that can make me happy and so many ways I can resolve issues!
I haven’t thought of the “mirror” approach, but it sure sounds effective! lol
Seeing you around at Inspire Me Mondays