For Shame, For Shame, For Shame!

I’m steaming. No, I’m not in a sauna. Tonight I had the news on while I was cooking and what I heard was so disgusting I am still not over it.

When I go shopping at the mall there is one store I always bypass, Abercrombie & Fitch. Their advertising is way too revealing and their music is loud and annoying. Now I have another reason to  NOT go there.  They are marketing padded bikini tops for 8 year old girls. Unbelievable.

Why do these advertisers want children to grow up so fast?

I’m sure you know the answer.


Anything to make a buck, seems to be the philosophy of so many, not just A & F.

Some fast food place is marketing a new turkey burger and they use Miss Turkey in a bikini (with little tiny turkeys on it) to advertise. Obviously it didn’t work for me because I can’t remember who is selling the turkey burger. All I remember is thinking “Why can’t companies just market their products without exploiting women and sending the wrong messages out to impressionable children?”

So here is the part where I want you to picture Gomer Pyle shaking his head and declaring, “For shame, for shame, for shame!”

Shame on the adults who are doing the marketing for Abercrombie & Fitch. Selling  padded bikini tops to second graders is wrong on so many levels. And shame on any adults who buy their products.

I do my best to keep NanaHood positive and today is Tuesday (Gratituesday) so I’m going to end on a positive note….

Thank you, Lord, for parents who do their best to train up their children in the way they should go in a world that often fights against them.



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  1. “Shame on the adults who are doing the marketing for Abercrombie & Fitch.” Are these marketing folks really adults? I am glad that my granddaughter does not like this store! Thanks for the heads up!

  2. They’ll sell what the parents will buy. All we can hope is that mothers, as parent and women both, will have enough self-esteem to not push this kind of false behavior on their daughters.
    So far, though, our modern values society doesn’t show much evidence of that.

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