What I Learned About Life in the Last 60 Years

What I learned about life in the last 60 years

Today I was driving my husband to rehab and it was raining. The road we were on is a typical country road; curvy and narrow. I was going about 55 mph, which is the speed limit. Just as I got to a curve a red car passed me flying. There was a double yellow line, rain was pouring down and a car was coming straight at the red vehicle. I hit my brakes and the car was able to slide back in front of me and avoid a head on collision. It was one of those driving experiences that makes you shake your head and wonder what they were thinking, or if they were thinking at all.

I found myself wondering what could be worth risking your life for?

What I’ve Learned About Life

Because I am 64 I’ve traveled a lot of life’s highways. Some of the roads I have been on have been smooth and others have been like the one I was driving this morning; very dangerous. When I was young I took so many stupid chances. I don’t know that I ever drove like the red car I saw this morning, but I do know that I made a truck load of bad decisions. I’ve often said that if it wasn’t for the grace of God and my mother’s prayers I wouldn’t still be here.

The past several months have been hard ones, fraught with dark days and difficult decision making. I guess you could say I was lost on an unfamiliar highway. There were times it was so dark I could not see. There were ups and downs and lots of curves. But we made it.

Not because of anything I did but because I finally let Jesus take the wheel.

Life is a Highway

When I was a teenager (I refer to them as the stupid years) I took risks because I didn’t think things through. I never, ever, thought about the consequences of a bad decision. The older I got the more I realized that every single choice a person makes has a consequence.

My best advice and what I want my grandchildren to know? Slow down. Think about your choices. Let Jesus take the wheel.

The highway of life

Friends in Low Places

I have friends who made some bad choices and paid the price. Some are dead now and others experienced altered lives because of a bad decision. I hate it for them and it makes me sad to know their lives could have been different.

My Wish For My Grandchildren

My children are good parents, but even the best parents can’t keep their kids from making mistakes. I pray daily for my grandchildren. I ask God to keep them safe and to help them make wise choices. The world is ten times more scary now than when I was a teenager but one thing remains the same. God is still in control and He still hears prayers.

And that is why until I take my last breath…I’ll be praying for my children and my grandchildren. I hope you are praying for yours, too, because we never know what may come flying around the next curve on a curvy, country road.

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  1. Hi Teresa, I have followed your page since around Dec 2020. I learned of it through a post on Johnnie Edwards page( worshipped with him & Jan years ago). I tried to join Nanahood and was disappointed that I was not able to be a part. Just wanted to say I am always encouraged by your posts and think of you and Bill. Thank you for your example of faithful living! Hope Bill is a little stronger every day! From a sister and also another Nana! Love, Janet Shepherd

  2. Was there with you???? You are such an inspirational person-sometimes life teaches us thru our mistakes!!! I love you??????

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