This I know

Yesterday I was looking through my pictures to choose one for Wordless Wednesday, and I ran across the following photo.

abby pointing

My granddaughter is opinionated, can you tell?

Most of us do have our own thoughts and opinions about things. I know I do.

One of my favorite things on NPR is a personal essay they read occasionally written by folks who listen in and take the time to tell them about things they believe in. It’s called, “This I know.”

So here are a few of the things in life that I am certain of.

1.  No matter how long someone we love lives, when they are gone they leave a hole in our hearts that never completely heals.

2. Children do not come with instruction manuals and parents will make mistakes. You do the best you can do, pray a lot, and then leave it up to God to do the rest.

3. Winter is always too long and summers are always too short.

4. I don’t mind aging nearly as much as I mind the maintenance that comes with it.

5. Any food that is really good for you never tastes as good as foods that are really bad for you.

6. There’s nothing better to lift a woman’s spirits than a night (or weekend) out with the girls.

7. Bliss is a stack of good books, a warm sunny day, a chair next to the surf, my toes in the sand and the ocean before me.

8. There is no night as long as the one you spend at the hospital holding the hand of friend or loved one.

9. God is good.

10. Children are one of the greatest blessings of this life because through them everything old is made new again.

What about you? What do you know for sure is true?

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  1. You must be over 21 and very mature to say number 3. I’m still waiting for my boys to get there (lol) they mature so much slower than girls!

  2. My sentiments exactly! To add to all that, love the ones you are with. Friend, spouse, child, grandchild and even a co-worker. Life’s too short for hatred. Give someone a smile and be kind!! It won’t kill you! No matter who walks into the store I work at, I give them a greeting and a smile and thank you at the check out counter. Makes for a good day, even when people try to spoil it for one reason or another!!
    God’s blessings!

  3. 1. I know that we are not in control of our own lives just the decisions that we make in it.

    2. I know that some things happen that aren’t meant for us to fully understand.

    3. And above all, my parents were always right and still are!!

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