The Nana-Creature From The Black Lagoon

Creature from the Black Lagoon I do a lot of dumb things and I don’t mind telling on myself when I do. Like I tell my grandchildren, there are very few things about getting old that I don’t mind but one of the best things is that I’m finally comfortable in my own skin. Things that would have been embarrassing to me in my teens and 20s don’t embarrass me now at all. I figure in the course of my life time I’ve done at least a million stupid things. Now I have another to add to my list…

One Million and One

Saturday I went to our blueberry farm and a friend dropped by to purchase some berries. We chatted for a bit and then she handed me a 20 dollar bill and 5 ones. She left and I sat down for a bit. The porch on the cabin where we keep the berries was cool. The pond next to it glimmered with the reflection of white puffy clouds against the blue sky. I enjoyed just “being still” for a moment and counting my blessings.

I decided it was time to go and I stood to leave. Then I realized I no longer had the 20 dollar bill. I had the ones but I looked around and didn’t see the 20. The floor of the cabin porch has cracks in it where the wooden blanks don’t quite meet and I decided it had fallen between the cracks. If I wanted to retrieve it I was going to have to get off the porch and look beneath it. I put my left foot down on the ground next to the pond and suddenly realized the porch was higher than I thought it was and the ground where I had placed my foot was sloped. I did a slow but steady side ways roll right into the pond!

The outer edges of the pond are muddy and there is a lot of algae. I managed to keep my head above water but I lost my glasses and I was covered from head to toe in slime and mud. I couldn’t help but think of the 1950’s movie, “Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

There was no one around to see my mishap but I took a few selfies because it was just too good of a story to pass up. I knew I wanted to share it with you.


After I got home I stripped, threw my clothes in the washer and took a long, hot shower. I never realized how much pond water and algae stink. I smelled awful!

I still had the money my friend gave me for the berries in my hand and when I un-crumpled them there in the middle of the ones was the 20. I took a dip in the pond for no reason. I was sad about my lost glasses but figured a pond turtle might enjoy wearing them.

The next day I went back to the farm and a man who works there handed me my glasses and said his son had found them next to the cabin in the mud. I told him what had happened and we had a good laugh.

I hope you laughed too.

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  1. Oh no! So sorry you fell in that gooey, icky pond stuff. But you are right, the older I get the more comfortable in my skin I am too.

  2. I just have readers. I had cataract surgery last year and now only need readers!

  3. How did you drive home without your glasses? I lost mine in a mini tornado and it was nuts trying to get to the car to find spares to find the ones I lost, wind blowing around me in sudden darkness.
    That is funny, I remember getting 3D glasses at the PDQ to watch that movie.
    I love how you had the presence of mind to take photos. I can picture a turtle wearing them, lol.

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