Uncomfortable In My Comfort

I hope you had a great weekend. Here in southern Kentucky the weather man (God) out did himself yesterday. Sunny blue skies with cool temperatures and low humidity. The perfect day.

But I can’t get Guatemala off my mind.

Yesterday I took my computer to church. I talked to my Sunday school class about Compassion and the work they are doing. I showed them pictures of the children in Guatemala and the shacks where those children live. I talked about the storm we had the day before and how when it rains hard like that in Guatemala the children are frightened that their little houses made of tin and sticks will wash down the mountain side.

Then I came back home to my beautiful house and fixed a bite to eat….

woman in kitchen

When I was finished eating I put my dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on, but still I couldn’t stop thinking about Guatemala. I washed a few loads of laundry….

woman carrying laundry

and still I couldn’t stop thinking about Guatemala. I thought about my friend Annette and her mission trip to Peru and something she said to me about how it had changed her. “I am uncomfortable in my comfort,” she said. Looking at the pictures of the Compassion bloggers and reading their stories has done that to me.

woman eating aloneI asked myself this question, “What if I had been born in a place like this? What if I had to raise my children not knowing where their next meal would come from or if my house would wash down the mountain during the night?”

The bloggers for Compassion International have opened my eyes this week. They have shown me that poverty is exhausting and terrifying and yet in the middle of all this darkness there is hope.


Won’t you help Compassion offer hope? Some where there is child who is praying you will.

Click here to sponsor a child through Compassion right now.

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  1. Oh man, you and me both!! I’ve been back two weeks now and I still can’t get Guatemala off my mind. It’s like this hollow ache in the back of my heart that is going to take a long long time to process and fill up with however it is that God wants me to respond with. Thank you so so much for traveling along with us and being part of the story!!


  2. It’s a big world and it’s hard to stay focused on others when we are so wrapped up in our own lives. I am so guilty of forgetting those who don’t have the basics. Compassion bloggers reminded me this past week and I am blessed because of them!

  3. I know exactly what you are saying. I was gone over the weekend and did some scrapbooking at an event with a friend. We stopped somewhere for lunch that is a tourist attraction. We were in the gift shop before going to eat ice cream, which is delish. I was able to find something small for my boy in India. It’s got to be flat to fit in envelope. It’s only a whale’s tale and windsox in sterling silver but a small token of love to him from us. We support Ashish for $28 a month and we know that is helping him and his dad and brother and getting some knowledge of the Lord. Just small things we can do greatly enhances their lives. Hugs! and thanks for keeping our eyes open to others whose needs are so great.

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