Three Cheers and a Prayer for Martha
This beautiful woman is my cousin Martha. She is an amazing wife, mom, Nana and friend. She is also a 3 time breast cancer survivor! That’s right…3 times. So in my opinion she deserves 3 very loud “Hip-hip-hoorays!”
“I had breast cancer 16 years ago and then again 13 years ago, and have been very blessed. Recently masses were found in my liver. They have determined that it is metastatic breast cancer.” 2011-Martha Todd
This week Martha goes back to M.D. Anderson and here’s what she had to say about it.
“I have been feeling great! I go to MD Anderson for tests this Thursday. We will meet with the doctor to get the results on Friday. This time they will do a full body scan instead if just checking my liver so I’m a little nervous. I know God’s will will be done!! I appreciate your prayers!” 2012 Martha Todd
Please, if you are so inclined, say a prayer with me for Martha and for all those fighting cancer.
James 5:16
King James Version (KJV)
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
And if you think there is never any good news when it comes to fighting cancer…you are wrong! Last night I heard about a 7 year old who had tried all available treatments for leukemia. She was so sick her parents were told that within a short period of time her organs would begin to shut down. Doctors offered her an experimental treatment using the HIV virus to target cancer cells and it worked! You can read about it here:
If you know someone fighting cancer, call them, encourage them, pray for them!
Update from Martha’s latest visit to M.D. Anderson via her daughter Brittany: Unfortunately there are 2 new, small spots in the liver and a new lymph node that is lighting up on the scans. This is considered disease progression. It is not out of control which is a good thing but it does mean that the current therapy is no longer sufficient. They have decided to switch her to a 2 oral drug regimen. One medicine is the same class as the drug she is taking now but is a bit stronger, and the other drug targets the proteins in the cancer cells to keep them from multiplying. There are more side effects with his regimen, although not as bad as chemotherapy. She will return to Houston for scans in 3 months. She is doing okay. Keeping her head up! Keep praying!
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your story has inspired me a lot! i love it!
Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here , thank you. – Rebecca –
Thanks, Posh! Martha is awesome!
She is, Robin! Thanks for stopping by and do come again soon!
Thanks, Claudia. You are kind and your words are appreciated!
Thanks, Wayne, for stopping by and for commenting. I’m always late too!
Thanks for your encouraging worlds Laura!
Then you understand. Thanks for stopping by Joyce!
Thanks for stopping by Grandma Betty! And for your kind words about my beloved cousin!
Will say a prayer for your friend! Blessings to you!
I have a friend going through this right now and it is a wonderful thing to have so many prayers for those who need it. Your cousin has a wonderful attitude about everything and so I will add my prayers for her too. May she continue to defeat this with such wonder and grace.
Thanks for sharing this with us at Theme Thursday. May you and your cousin have a blessed weekend.
God bless.
Hip Hip Hooray! Martha has great believing! My prayers are with her for continued health!
Oh, yes. I’ve worn those pink ribbons.
An amazing and inspiring woman. Hip-Hip-Hooray indeed!
hooray for Martha, may she continue to be strengthened and inspire all who are blessed to witness her courage and light.
An inspirational story. Sorry, for my tardiness with my comments this week. Thanks for linking up with me this week. Hope to see you again next week.
Three hip hip hoorays from me, too! Here’s to Martha, a strong and inspirational woman. All the best!
YAYYYYYY Martha!!! She sounds like an amazing woman!
Wow- 3 is amazing and an inspiration!
inspirational and hopeful..thanks for sharing.
What an amazing lady! x
Praying for Martha. God bless.
Praying for Martha and big cheers! M.D. Anderson is wonderful. My dad just finished his cancer treatment there, and my husband will be going there for his follow ups after he is medically retired from the military. He is a 2x cancer survivor. We love hearing others’ inspiring stories! God bless!
Amazing! She sounds like a great women not to mention a hard fighter! God bless her.
Wow what a strong, beautiful lady. Sending positive thoughts her way.
My mother survived breast cancer 21 years ago! She’s still alive! So I know that Martha can win this fight!
What a courageous woman! Hip hip hooray!
What a brave lady! Praying for her.
Happy WW!
Absolutely!! Hip hip hooray!!!!!
she’s a strong fighter. keep going on Martha!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Good going, Martha! I love to hear about the fighters and not the giver-uppers. Bless you!
Beautiful pictures of Martha! I admire her fighting spirit. Sending a lot of prayers and best wishes her way! Thanks for hosting.
What a moving story!!! She is just such a brave lady….kuddos to her she can keep her spirits up with everything she is going thorough. I have my own medical situation and I can tell you it can get old carrying a medical burden around.Will definately be praying for this wonderful lady.
Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! from me also with very best wishes to Martha for the future
What an amazing woman! Hip Hip Hooray! Will definitely say a prayer for Martha!
An amazing woman!
Praying for Martha.
Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
Tonight I will say a prayer for Martha and all those battling cancer.
I am praying for Martha & I am so glad that you are such a blessing to so many!
Have a wonderful week dear Teeresa!