Stupid Things

Tonight my daughter and I were talking and she looked at her cell phone and burst out laughing. “Mom, your Facebook status says “Where are u?”

“That’s not my status,” I said. “That’s the text I sent your brothers.”

She showed me the computer and she was right. I don’t know how I did it but my text message to our twins was my Facebook status.


That’s the second stupid thing of the day.

This was the first….

I walked into a friend’s office to say hello and stepped on mouse trap sticky pads with muffins as bait. I squished a muffin and actually had them stuck to both feet. One foot mouse pad came off fairly easily but the other pad didn’t.  My friend had to tug and tug until it finally came off. Then my foot stuck to the carpet.

And that my friends, is just one day. I promise there are many more goof ups where those came from!

But as much as I mess up…I don’t forget my mammogram and don’t you forget yours either!

October is breast cancer awareness month.

Show your sisters who are fighting this battle some love by donating direct here: NanaHood Friends and Family Team


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