Remember when Martha Filmed Crafting With Her Mema?
Those of you who are newer to NanaHood have no idea that our Martha has been on YouTube for over SEVEN years! A long, LONG time ago she (and her brothers) did several “Crafting with Mema” videos for Nanahood.
Today I got nostalgic (thinking about NanaHood’s birthday), and went to watch them again. It’s pretty hard to pick a favorite (because my kids were so, so, SO cute). I’m going to post a quick, simple one that shows how even way back then, Martha was ready to be on camera!
Technology has come a long way in seven years, and I can only imagine what kind of videos Martha will be doing in seven more years. (Actually, I’m not sure I CAN even imagine!) Martha and her brothers are now able to film their own videos, find music and add special effects. They really only need me to “approve” the videos before they upload them. Do you have grandchildren making videos? What about using Snapchat? Instagram? We’d love to hear about how you join your grands in playing with technology.
Be Sure To Enter
And don’t forget to check out the NanaHood Birthday Celebration post, and leave a comment to win one of three prizes!
Happy Friday, everyone!
Yes it is!
It’s wonderful to have Nana joining our tech savvy kids