I’m Dreaming of a Tropical Island…
…where the white stuff on the ground is sand, not snow.

Murphy, our neurotic Cocker Spaniel doesn’t like snow, rain or cold weather. If I open the door and it’s nasty outside he turns and looks at me like, “You have to be kidding!” To get him to go outside and do his business I have to bribe him by throwing out a treat.

After I get him outside I quickly shut the door and go jump back under the covers. When he’s ready to come back in I hear him scratching at the back door. If I don’t get there fast enough he starts barking.

Today I’m giving thanks for my warm house, but I’m still dreaming about that tropical island and the feel of sand between my toes!

Let’s click our heels together three times, close our eyes and dream of beaches!
Not snow….tired of snow! Sand, I need sand!
I thought it was snow between the toes!
LOL! That’s how I used to trick my dog into going out in the winter, too! Our weather doesn’t even compare to yours, but today was our coldest day yet at 26 degrees and that is very cold for Dallas. Our houses are insulated for hot temps, not cold ones! I’m dreaming of beaches, too.
OK, am I the only one who thinks there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark????? There are TWO RIGHT FEET….or I’m crazy….am I crazy??? Or what shape did she get into to make that happen??
I live in Tn. and wishing I was in Arizona from some pictures have seen on these blogs, that is if they are updated pictures, say like now.
I too am sick of snow, it isn’t even pretty around here since you can still some of the ground or where we walk the leaves and dirt stick to our shoes worse. We didn’t get as much as some, we live in nw Tn.. Teresa K, if you get a good deal on airline tickets email me. lol Wish my feet were as pretty as Pam’s. Keep on dreaming. 
My friend Pam doesn’t even know I stole her toes!
Thanks so much for visiting and for sharing about your dog and daughter! Blessings to you and will visit underservingrace tonight!
I dream of sand between my toes even in the summer and it’s 90 degrees! The view out my window is pasture, cows, and dirt roads…we have some snow now too and i’m about to take my daughter out to play in it. According to her she’s going to hit me w/ snowballs. Lol. Last year we made a sno-woman that lasted a couple weeks. And you’re not alone w/ the dog thing either I have an outside dog that comes in the garage to sleep and if we go places and he looks at me like i’m crazy for making him go outside in the snow. He often gets called a sissyboy by my daughter.
Now following from todays hop..join me anytime at undeservingrace
Oooo, I wish those were my toes!!! I am sitting by my window looking out & seeing only snow, snow & more snow & dreaming of building sandcastles:) On the tuesday hop & Mommying on the fly!!