
Quick and Easy Things to Say to Encourage Others

Guest Post by Char Huskins

Since writing about my grandmother’s stories the other day, I have been thinking about them even more than usual. They were both 5 feet 2 inches tall, but they had such unique characters – completely different personalities, different temperaments, different discipline methods. I can see some of their traits in my own personality and parenting, and I especially love when I see a peek of one of them coming through in my children.maternalgrandma

The single best trait of my maternal grandmother was her ability to ALWAYS, always say a kind word. She gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, and if she ever did say anything slightly negative, she balanced it out with at least one or two comments excusing the negativity away. Like, “Oh, she had a fiery temper… but she was such a wonderful cook and she apologized quickly!”

She was the first to offer sympathy, compassion, and grace to everyone!  Sort of like the southern cliche, “bless her heart” after a negative comment… but my grandmother actually MEANT it!

Sweet Honey or Bitter Poison

I aspire to be more like my grandmother, but I have a tendency to be snarky, negative, and even downright critical. I remind myself many times a day that the things that come out of my mouth will affect my children for a long, long time – good and bad. Even when I’m not speaking TO them, if I’m speaking in their presence about someone else or about a situation – those words can be sweet honey or bitter poison to their souls, depending on the words I use.

Of course, if my grandmother were here today, she would be able to think of all the kind, good things I do.. instead of the negative.  She would speak those things over me, and what a blessing that would be. I want to be that blessing today – to my children, to my husband, to the people I meet on the street. How about you?

I made a quick list to put by my computer (where I spend a LOT of time every day), of quick and easy things to say that will encourage those around me.  You can download this image and print it out if you’d like a reminder too.


5 Quick and Easy Things to Say to Encourage and Bless Others:

  1. I’m so glad you could be a part of my day today.
  2. Your jokes make me laugh.
  3. I like when you smile (make a joke, hug me, get up in a good mood…)
  4. You are so creative (or so caring, loving, nice to your sister…)
  5. Thank you for helping me.


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