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Have you had your mammogram this year? If not, what are you waiting for. Have you asked your friends if they have had theirs? If not, what are you waiting for. Like Nike says Just Do It!
Link up and pass the word on….get a mammogram!
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No I haven’t. Perhaps you could do an article for us about it (hint, hint). Teresa
So true indeed
Have you heard of thermograms? That is what I plan to do for my next “mammogram”. Thanks for the reminder. blessings, Amy
Great reminder! I was just with a group talking about breast cancer risk reduction from breastfeeding. We all need to do our part to pass on reminders like yours!
This is a great reminder and yes mam I have had mine. Happy WW
Oh My Heartsie Girl
Great awareness post! x
Let’s nip breast cancer in the bud!