Gratitude to our Armed Forces


Today is December 7th and I remember.

I remember because I am an American who loves my country.

I remember because I am a history teacher and proud of this great nation.

I remember because I have attended funerals of those who gave their lives for freedom.

I remember because I have visited Arlington and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and heard Taps played in the distance.

I remember because I am a mother who loves her sons and can’t imagine how it would feel to send them off to war.

And because I remember I want the parents and grandparents of sons and daughters who are serving there country to know that I am praying for them and that I appreciate what they are doing.

I want our service men and women to know they are not forgotten and that we pray for them daily.

When a friend (thanks Becky) sent the following video to me I knew I had to share it with you so that you could remember too! God bless the U.S.A.

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