Fantastic Back To School Gifts To Spark Your Grandchild’s Enthusiasm
Back to School Gifts
(Disclaimer- I’m an Amazon Affiliate and I do receive a very small commission if you purchase any of the items on my list)
Even if you don’t live close to your grandchildren you know that when it’s time to go back to school there is excitement in the air! Those little voices love telling us about their teacher, school projects and what they do at recess and we love hearing about it!
There are lots of ways Grandparents can help little ones be enthused about the school year, but first I wanted to share some cool things that grandmas I know do for their grandchildren to make school more special. These suggestions came from grandmothers on NanaHood’s Facebook page. If you haven’t liked and followed our Facebook page, please do!
Tips and Back to School Gifts from Nanas to help grandchildren (and their parents).
From Grandma Joyce: I make and individually wrap slices of banana bread and cookies for freezing so mommy can quickly supply lunch desserts or snack time items without worrying about them herself – they let me know when it’s time for more. Also,
Lisa at Grandma’s Briefs recently posted some really cute “back-to-school” jokes. I’m going to print them out and give them to mommy to place inside lunch boxes. I also buy school clothes, supplies, and whatever I see (with parental approval) that would make things easier for families. For classroom parties I supply holiday themed “estimating jars” for 3 kids to win. Teachers love the educational cuteness and excitement over who will win! (My grandkids get freebies, too, of course! :)) And finally, and perhaps most importantly, my 3 daughters and I pray daily as a team for the kids’ success at school – and not only for our 7 school agers – we ask that the benefit of our prayers also apply to 7 other children, especially ones who struggle academically or socially and have no one to pray for them.
From Nana Kathy: I try to help out getting them off to school. My 2 older ones are able to get themselves off mostly by themselves but I Facetime them on the mornings they are there alone. My grandkids had me sit with them today and make a list of things they wanted to make sure they had ready.
From Nana Jane: I work at the same school that my oldest (8 years old) granddaughter goes to. I have daily contact with her, sometimes have lunch with her and this year I am blessed to be working in her classroom. We got a special out fit for school together and she has a secret surprise waiting for her on her desk for tomorrow morning which is the first day of school here! I am so blessed as she is the only one in school as yet!
From Nana Candy: I have 3 grandsons ages 6, 7 and8. I’m blessed to have them close by. I shop all summer for them. Their Papa lets them pick their special back pack, his thing he does every year.
lunches or bake.Try to help their mommies with lunch ideas. I go with them to catch the bus the first day and take tons of pictures. Usually I attend school activities. I keep after school snacks at my office to as I get little visitors a lot.
From Nana Gramcrackers: (Joan) I attend programs and volunteer in their classes when I visit. I get to help pick out outfits, help with homework and meet them at bus stop each afternoon! The older girl in high school does orchestra and tennis which I attend. I help her with writing/research assignments and I do car line pick-up for her.
From Nana Danna: I help my granddaughter get ready in the morning, we FaceTime and I help with brushing her teeth and keep her company while mom gets things together.
From Nana Missy: Locally, we can get a list of school supplies for each classroom. I like to get that list and take them shopping for supplies. This takes a little bit of the burden from their parents.
From Nana Wanda: I’ll get the 3 younger ones some school clothes. Attend sport events, programs, etc
The oldest is in his second year of college I buy groceries and make brownies or cookies for him and his dorm friends.
I think these grandmothers are doing some wonderful things for their grandchildren and children. Can you add some things maybe they haven’t thought of? What do you do for your grands at Back to School time?
Ideas for Back To School Gifts
Like I promised, just click on my “super-duper list of lovely things” I found that my grandchild and yours will love! There’s everything from backpacks to books. Let me know what you think!