Rain, Rain, Go Away

If  you aren’t a fan of the weather channel you might not know that there is wide spread flooding in the NanaHood Neighborhood.  I have lived in this little town most of my life and I have never seen as much rain as we have had this weekend. A little while ago my son and I went to town for milk and eggs and as we went down the drive way we saw flashing lights. We could turn right, towards town, but we couldn’t go left.

rain 005

We navigated the roads carefully but before we got to the grocery we were stopped by the police and told to go back home. Everything in town was closed.  Peoples homes are flooded and the Board of Education is underwater. School is canceled for tomorrow and I can’t imagine what a mess there will be to clean up.

South of us, in Tennessee, the flooding is even worse. Please keep all flood victims in your prayers. The next few days are going to be hard ones.

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  1. Oh no! Will keep you in my prayers. I’ve heard about all the storms that way. I remember times when we’ve had high water in the past due to floods. Not a good things but part of life we have to deal with. God bless.

  2. I hope you guys are okay. Someone just posted a clip on Facebook of a building floating next to what appeared to be a road.

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