
Techie Baby

Children and technology go together like peanut butter and jelly. Last week a friend shared a great article about grandchildren and technology. If you didn’t read it be sure and check it out here. I made these pictures of my grandson (aka techie baby). He won’t be 2 years old until June and he can already operate an iPad!

2 year old on Ipad

This is a Blog Hop. Please link up and leave me a comment. Also I am @nanahoodrocks on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Follow me and I’ll gladly follow you back!

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  1. I think my kids were nearly that little when they first started playing on tablets. It’s crazy how quickly they learn those things. Thanks for linking up for Wordless Wednesday. Have a great day!

  2. That’s so cute! My kids got kindles for Christmas, so I understand it. They have limited time to be on their devices.

  3. My son is like this! A lot of times teaching me on what to do when I get too confuse in using the ipad =P

  4. Kids really learn how to use technology at a young age. They really catch on very fast 🙂

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