Women in History-Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Has anyone ever asked you the following question, “If you could meet any famous person (dead or alive) who would you choose?” I would pick Eleanor Roosevelt because I have always found her fascinating.
Just in case you don’t know who she was…..First lady Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), the U.S. president from 1933 to 1945. She was a leader in her own right and involved in numerous humanitarian causes throughout her life. She was one of the most active first ladies in history and worked for political, racial and social justice. After President Roosevelt’s death, Eleanor was a delegate to the United Nations and continued to serve as an advocate for a wide range of human rights issues. She remained active in Democratic causes and was a prolific writer until her death at age 78.
Here are some of my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotes.

Now it’s your turn. Who would you want to meet and why?
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What inspiring quotes! thanks so much for sharing them.
Ha ha Jeanna! Thanks for stopping by!
Tina, that’s awesome. Do tell us about your book when it comes out!
I’ll have to look him up!
Thanks for stopping by Patrick!
I understand. I don’t remember my paternal grandmother. She died when I was a toddler. I would like to meet her. Eleanor was a fascinating woman, for sure!
Eleanor Roosevelt was indeed an amazing woman. I once read a story about an African American man accidentally hitting her with his car. She immediately told him to “get out of here, fast” because she knew the prejudiced people would string him up and kill him.
As far as meeting someone from the past, I was a child who grew up without grandparents, so I always said I’d want to meet my ancestors.
She was an amazing person. Love her quotes. Thanks for sharing them.
She is interesting, for sure! I don’t know who I’d pick – I’ll have to think on that. I do like the artist Robert Rauchenburg. He just seemed like he had a story, for everything.
I love Eleanor Roosevelt and I have quoted her a couple of times in the new book I’m writing. Thanks for sharing about her!
I thought Lillian Hellman and the Algonquin Round Table group were pretty interesting, although I wouldn’t want to meet any of them without a drink in my hand.
Me too, Kelly! Thanks for commenting!
Yes, there are tons to choose from but she’s one of my favs! Thanks for commenting!
Thanks, Steve! I love a good quote!
She was an incredible person. So grateful for her contribution to society.
There are hundreds to choose from! I just picked one of my favorites and yes, your choice would be interesting, too! Thanks for suggesting her!
She sure was! Thanks for commenting Laurie!
So many great quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt. She was an amazing woman! One of my heroines too.
It’s hard to narrow it down to one – there are so many great people who changed history.
I was just reading a book on Maria Theresa , the sovereign of Austria and mother of Marie Antoinette. I think it would be interesting to meet her!
I liked the quotes all very true too
Have a quotetastic week
I have to say, I don’t really know that much about her, but I use her quotes a lot. She has a plethora of great sayings. Seems a very admirable woman. I don’t think I could ever narrow it down to one. Too many greats for me!