The House That Z Built

There are houses and then there are houses. This is the house that Z (and her husband) built. She was nice enough to give me a tour and I loved making pictures. The house was so gorgeous that I tried to get her to adopt me. She smiled at me but didn’t respond. I think the idea of adopting someone my age overwhelmed her!

Z yard

This is the view and deck off her back porch that leads to the water.

guest room

Guest bedroom where you can sleep beneath the fish.


 This is the back porch and that looks at the view in the first picture.

There’s an elevator. Oh how my grands would love to have one of these in our house!

deck at end of dockThis is my cousin on the deck which is built out on the water. This is the upper deck, beneath it is a pontoon boat.

martha and me

My cousin and I enjoying the view from Z’s deck.


Love the octopus light and wish it had been night so I could have seen it lit up!


The deck back to the house and Z’s dog Cadbury following along.

There were so many more gorgeous pictures I wanted to show you but for some reason my computer did not want to cooperate.

This is a blog hop! Do link up and leave a comment and have a great week!

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  1. I was so frustrated because I had many more pictures to include but could not get them to load from my phone to the computer! I will come visit again soon. My boys want to see that boat dock!

  2. Beautiful house. Thank you for sharing and joining our Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday Link Party. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove

  3. That house is beautiful! It must feel like you’re on a boat, when you sit on that deck. How charming!!

  4. You did a beautiful job! Even though I’m too old to adopt anyone, you have a standing invitation to visit.

  5. Such a fun place to visit, so relaxing and beautiful!!
    Thanks for hosting, do hope you can stop by this week on Oh My Heartsie Girl ww
    Have a great week!

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