A Giveaway…


Hi, it’s Char here… announcing that it’s Fall Giveaway Carnival time over at Heavenly Homemakers, and here at NanaHood, we’re joining in!

Do you ever feel like you are at the end of your rope?  That the rope won’t hold out much longer? Then you need this week’s giveaway!

Teresa has written a fabulous book called “The Knot At The End of Your Rope”.  The subtitle is “Ten Ways To Hold On When You Are Stressed”.  Now, who doesn’t need THAT book?  I read it a few years ago before I had three children – I’m thinking I might just need to read it one more time (or three).


Anyway… Teresa is giving away one copy of this book for the Giveaway Carnival!

Just leave a comment on this post, (and feel free to tell us how frayed YOUR rope is), and you’ll be entered to win!  We’ll pick a random winner at the end of the week and post here.

(Open to US or Canadian residents only – so sorry to our international readers!)

Be sure to head over to Heavenly Homemakers and check out all the OTHER giveaways!

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  1. I just found this site today. It’s wonderful. I am sending the link to my Mom who is Nana in our family. I sure could use this book. I’m a mom of twin sons 15 who each have ADHD. Things were complicated enough before relationships with girls started. I am a preachers wife and have the blessing of working with the teens but mostly the girls. Whoa are things different from when I was a teen. Such good hearts with so many temptations. My heart aches for them. Praise God our rope will never break. Thanks for your encouragement

  2. Thank you for participating in the Fall give-away carnival. This sounds wonderful. I have 3 boys 5 and under. Days are fun, fun here. 😉

    hsmamafl at gmaildotcom

  3. After the day we had today, I do so need this book! With two boys, two years apart chronologically, and light years apart in personality, our days are frequently filled with chaos, strife, and argument. We are working hard on attitude, but sometimes, I realize, my attitude is the biggest offender. I believe this book might help me to stay a little calmer when the home and family are imploding around me… Please pick me! Please, please!

  4. I sooooo need this! With a 15 yo girl, a 4 yo boy with a speech disability and behavior issues who refuses to potty train and a 2 year old with a speech disability and typical 2 yo behavior… I am at the end of my rope most days! LOL GREAT giveaway

  5. While I happen To be having a good day today, I often find myself at the end of my rope with four little ones to care for :)!

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