The NanaHood Store

Hopefully by now you’ve noticed that we’ve added a NanaHood shop to the site. If you haven’t noticed you may need to borrow my glasses (you can have the pair with only one temple piece). Because things just magically appear on the site you may not realize that a lot of thought, effort, emailing and time goes into every decision we make about NanaHood.

Getting the store going has not been easy. It’s sort of like building a house, every time you turn around there are more decisions to be made. I absolutely love writing and blogging for NanaHood is a joy, but the other stuff?????? If I didn’t have Char, Carol, Laura and my readers to bounce ideas off of, and to help me by sending me stories, recipes, pictures, etc., I would be at a loss.

So, sweet readers, nanas, moms, friends and family, thank you for visiting “the hood” as I affectionately call it, and for all your contributions. Keep them coming! Send me more stories, more recipes, more memories, more suggestions, giggles and comments.

I love hearing from you! I would especially appreciate your feedback on the NanaHood store. It’s a work in progress and I would like for it to reflect your wants and needs. Thanks!

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