What Happens When A Child Doesn’t Wear Sunscreen

When I was child we watched the evening news while we ate supper. It wasn’t unusual to be eating mashed potatoes and pork chops while Walter Cronkite told us how many soldiers had died in Viet Nam that day. I think that was the beginning of my desensitizing to the horrible stories we see and hear on the news.

Since those years I’ve seen a lot of horrible things on television and it’s sad to say this, but most of the time I don’t even flinch. These days we don’t even have to wait until 6 p.m. to get our daily allowance of horrors. We have several channels who blast the bad stuff at us 24/7. I’ve grown so accustomed to gruesome images appearing on the news that most things just don’t shock me anymore.

Tonight I was shocked.

I was watching television when a story came on about two little boys (brothers) who attended a daycare center. The employees of the daycare had allowed the little boys to play outside without their shirts on and without sunscreen. The sight of their burns and hearing them cry in pain was more than I could stand. I turned the television off.

If you want to see the story I’m talking about you can watch it here, but I’m warning you, it’s very graphic.

Yes, there are lots of terrible things that go on in this old world every day so why did this bother me so much? Because it involved children and because it could have been prevented so easily.

Supposedly the daycare workers who were watching the boys said they ran out of sunscreen. How much effort does it take to go get some more? Why didn’t someone make the boys put their shirts back on or take them inside?

I don’t know why they didn’t, but I do know this, because of someone’s indifference two little boys have severe burns and have suffered great pain.

Children depend on adults to make wise decisions about their health and safety. Unfortunately, there are lots of adults who let them down.

Summer Time and The Living Should Be Easy

It’s summer. It’s hot. Sunburns hurt. Be sure and put sunscreen on your children and your grandchildren and if you take them to daycare, make sure the folks who work there are worthy of your trust. FYI-The daycare where the two boys were is now closed.

More Information on Children and the Importance of Sunscreen



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