
The Importance of a Lullaby – Why Singing to a Baby is Important

Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by Universal Music Group and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.

The importance of a lullaby for your grandchild and why singing to a baby is important.

My daughter had her nursery ready long before the baby was to arrive and it was beautiful but when she showed it to me I looked around and thought to myself, “Where is the rocking chair?” The one where I will rock and sing lullabies to my grandchild while mom is taking a nap? I found the perfect chair at a consignment shop and I’m happy to report it’s rocked not just that first baby, but a second one, too. But the rocking chair isn’t nearly as important as the time spent snuggling a sweet baby and singing them a lullaby.


My mother always said she couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket but it never mattered to me. You don’t have to have a beautiful voice to sound that way to your child. In fact, studies have shown that families who sing together strengthen the parent/child or grandparent/child relationship. Why? Because lullabies, like all music, connects generations and tells the story of our hopes and dreams.

One of my most vivid memories of my dad (who passed away in 1995) involved a lullaby. Dad was sitting in a white rocking chair on our sunporch and the sight of my big, strapping father holding my tiny little black-haired daughter and singing a lullaby to her melted my heart.

the importance of a lullaby

That little girl is now grown with a daughter and son of her own and this nana loves rocking and singing to them. Hopefully, years from now, they will remember the importance of a lullaby and sing to their grandchildren.

Just In Time for Mother’s Day

the importance of a lullaby

Please allow me to tell you about some lovely lullabies you don’t want to miss. These are original songs written by NYC moms brought together on an album called, Hopes & Dreams: The Lullaby Project. These songs feature celebrity singers from many different genres such as, pop, jazz, folk, opera, Latin music and more! And what makes it so special is that each and every song was written by a mom in Carnegie Hall’s Lullaby Project as a message and keepsake for their child.

Even better, Carnegie Hall will use all proceeds from the sale of the album to support and sustain this project as well as other educational and programs of social impact done by Carnegie Hall and their nonprofit charitable mission.

You can share the beautiful music of Hopes and Dreams: The Lullaby Project with your loved ones and moms and nanas who love rocking those babies by clicking here

Take a listen for yourself to see what I mean about these heart touching songs.

And after you hear it…

The songs will stay in your heart! Never underestimate the importance of a lullaby. They create memories that last a life time. Please consider purchasing a copy by clicking here. You won’t regret it and it’s the perfect gift for new moms and new grandmothers too!

 #LullabyProject #HopesandDreams

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