Technology Connecting the Generations

On Mondays I get to pick up my oldest granddaughter from school and sometimes we go to the nursing home to visit some ladies who live there. My granddaughter is only seven and many times young children are afraid of nursing homes but Abby isn’t. In fact, she loves going there and she especially enjoys playing with one of the resident’s Ipad. Technology connecting the generations!

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  1. That is so great that you take her to visit the elderly. I used to work as a nurse in nursing homes and I know they would just love it.

  2. That is just so sweet.
    My husband is an LPN in a nursing home and I am sure this would touch him too.
    Thanks for stopping by Tots and Me and sharing.

  3. Love this. My mom worked at the local nursing home and used to bring me along when I was about that age to read to some of the residents. It’s such a wonderful thing to encourage at a young age.

  4. That is so sweet that your granddaughter enjoys this visiting! Your right that many kids her age couldn’t handle it.

    Happy WW 🙂

  5. How fun! I usually see the younger people teaching the older people how to use the laptops and ipads at the library. It always makes me smile to see them connecting over technology!

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