Team Players – VBS

Team Players

Saturday was VBS at our church and it was so much fun. This year the theme was God’s Team and we talked a lot about teamwork and whose team (God) we wanted to be on. I helped with the pre-school class and enjoyed it immensely. (I also had to go home afterwards and take a two hour nap)

Team players

This was one of my favorite captures of the day. This is right before we began, when anticipation and excitement was at it’s peak. Can you tell?

Team Players

During one of the lessons the teacher snuck out went into the puppet room. These kids didn’t know there was a puppet room. When the teacher popped the dog puppet out of the room and shouted at the kids they jumped about four feet in the air! Then after the initial shock wore off they wanted the puppet to bite their fingers! They loved it!

Vacation Bible School Photographs

This little man was eating across from me and stuffed about a third of a hotdog in his mouth. I warned him about the dangers of choking and he took me very seriously….can’t you tell?

The children (and adults) consumed vast amounts of hamburgers and hotdogs. Some of the men from church grilled them and they were delicious. We brought cookies, chips and condiments and lots of ice cold drinks.

Vacation Bible School Photography

Later in the afternoon the children had popcorn for a snack while they took turns playing a rousing game of baseball (with a balloon and a plastic bat).

Vacation Bible School Photography

This is my grandson looking at his frog glow stick. I love the wonder on his face. That’s really what VBS is about. Sharing the wonder of God with children. They are precious in His sight (and in ours too).

Do you participate in VBS or do your children or grandchildren attend one?

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  1. I have nothing but good memories of volunteering at VBS. I headed the craft area. The funniest thing I remember is being cautioned by the music teacher to never ask things like, “Do you kids want to sing some songs?” What do you do when they yell back, “NOOOOOOO!!!!!” So, I passed out the supplies and announced, “Today we are going to make this project. Period!”

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