Taking the Time to Care

A baby chick and a baby turkey reminded me of a few things this weekend.

My brother accidentally ran over a nest of turkey eggs while mowing hay. He brought the ones he didn’t destroy with the tractor back to his chicken coop and asked the chickens to hatch them. Actually, he just placed them beneath the chickens and hoped for the best. Anyway, one of them hatched but the momma chicken didn’t like her new baby (Lesson #1  Just bringing a baby (or turkey) into the world does not make you a good mother.

My brother put the baby turkey in a cage but quickly realized it wasn’t eating or drinking. So he went and got a baby chick and put it in the cage with the turkey. Within minutes the turkey was mimicking the baby chick and eating and drinking!

Last time I saw them chick and turkey were doing great!

Lesson # 2   Babies have to be taught. They aren’t born knowing how to eat, love or pray. It’s up to family members to teach them well so they can survive and thrive!

Lesson # 3  Children and baby animals are often more loving and tolerant of those with differences than adults. The baby chick didn’t care that the turkey wasn’t a chick, but the hen did. Shame on momma hen for not reaching out to a child, uh turkey, in need! Shame on us if we do the same thing!

Lesson # 4 Despite the rough start this baby turkey experienced, he/she now has a chance to experience life, all because someone cared.

Something to think about….

There are thousands of children across the world hoping someone will care. Will it be you?

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